ASU Energy Efficiency Center
Providing free industrial and commercial energy audits for the American Southwest
The ASU Energy Efficiency Center is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored Industrial Training and Assessment Center at Arizona State University (ITAC@ASU).
We provide free energy audits for manufacturers, water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants and commercial businesses. We assess businesses in Arizona, southern Nevada and New Mexico.
The ASU Energy Efficiency Center faculty engage in workforce development by training students to become energy assessment specialists.

New grant funding opportunity
The U.S. Department of Energy announced $80 Million to strengthen American Manufacturing
Don’t miss this opportunity to take action on your ITAC@ASU energy audit!
The DOE has made grants available to support projects that modernize small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms’ (SMMs) facilities with improved energy and material efficiency, enhanced cybersecurity, and increased use of smart and advanced manufacturing technologies to reduce waste and pollution, while increasing productivity.
The Industrial Training and Assessment Center Implementation Grant Program will provide up to $300,000 in funding, per entity, to help eligible SMMs implement recommendations conducted between 2018 and 2023. SMMs will provide at least 50% cost share for each project. In this first round of funding, DOE will provide up to $80,000,000. Additional rounds of funding will follow in the coming months.
Sources: energy.gov and Energy Werks
It pays to implement your recommendations
Wondering if an energy audit would pay off? Take a look at the savings potential when you implement recommendations from your free energy audit.
Energy assessments completed
Actions recommended
Average annual savings for each implemented recommendation
Average annual savings when all assessment recommendations are implemented

Apply for your free energy audit today
The ASU Energy Efficiency Center specialists are ready to perform free ITAC energy audits for industrial and commercial entities.
Manufacturers, water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants and commercial businesses that meet DOE criteria can receive a free audit.
Find out if you qualify and apply today!